Our Mission
RPOAC's mission is to provide a voice on the State and Federal levels for our members. We lobby for our members to ensure benefits are not lost. To provide the best insurance options available for our members. To provide information and communication between members for the betterment of all members.
Some of our main objectives are:
- To provide a voice on the state and federal levels in all areas that may affect our members including lobbying on behalf of our members to ensure that benefits are not lost or eroded.
- To provide the best insurance options available to our members. (Get a free comparison of benefits by calling our insurance professionals at Pacific Financial Designs: 1-800-733-4487).
- To provide information and communication between the members for the betterment of all members.
As a member of RPOAC you will be eligible to utilize any of numerous insurance plans and benefits. Please explore our website to see what we have to offer. We encourage you to complete the online membership application form along with your online credit card payment for dues to become a member of RPOAC.
Thank you for your attention and please contact us at 1-800-743-7622 if you have further questions or need additional information.
Alex Bernard
President, RPOAC
RPOAC...Who Can Join? Play the video to find out.

CAFOP Support for Our Members Impacted by the California Wildfires

The California Fraternal Order of Police Foundation is actively working to provide immediate financial assistance to these impacted members. We are coordinating with local Lodges to ensure that relief reaches those who need it most.
FOP Legislative Update:
HR-82 is Signed Into Law!

The Social Security Fairness Act has been signed into law by President Biden!
Click Here to view the SSA's update on this important legislation.
RPOAC Board Adds New Idaho Chapter
The Board of Directors has approved the creation of an Idaho Chapter to be added to the RPOAC. With so many members retiring out of California and into the pacific north-west region, it was decided that additional representation was necessary.
Burt Quick has been appointed Director of our new Idaho Chapter. Burt served as our San Diego Chapter Director for many years prior to his moving to Idaho. We welcome him back to the Board and look forward to his participation and insight.

RPOAC Board Welcomes Director Clancy Faria
RPOAC President Alex Bernard has appointed Clancy Faria as our Northern Chapter Director. Clancy has extensive experience in labor relations and representation including having been the President of PORAC from 1999-2003. He is retired from the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department and will be a great addition to RPOAC.

The RPOAC Patch Corner!
If you enjoyed collecting department uniform patches while working or continue to do so in retirement, the RPOAC would like you to become a part of our "Patch Corner"!
This page is only accessible through our "Members Only" section so if you're not currently a member, CLICK HERE to join!
If you are a member, click the button below to visit the page and join with your fellow RPOAC members by sharing some of your own patches.

A membership with RPOAC gives you access to a wide variety of insurances and other programs through our benefits administrator - Pacific Financial Designs, including:

We also offer great rates on Medical, Dental, Long-Term Care, Optical, Life and many others insurances.
Contact our Benefits Manager, Shane Cobb at (800) 733-4487 for more details.

In our Benefits Spotlight we will look deeper into one of the many benefits available to our members. Today's pick:

Care that keeps up with your life
When life is always on the go, your healthcare should be, too. HealthiestYou makes sure you have access to the care you need all from one convenient place so you can be your healthiest you, always.
Get your time back
No more waiting at the doctor’s office. No more wondering if you got the lowest-cost prescription. No more doubts about a diagnosis. From doctor’s visits over the phone to price comparison tools, we’ve got you covered.
Once you're a member, you can use the HealthiestYou app to:
Expert Medical Opinion
Get a second opinion from leading experts on more-serious conditions.
See a doctor 24/7
Talk to a licensed doctor by phone or video from anywhere.
Save money
Find and pick up the lowest-cost prescriptions in your area.
Compare prices
Compare cash vs. insurance pricing for common procedures.
Connect your insurance
Find your insurance carrier for up-to-date coverage, deductible tracking, and more.
Search for a provider
Find a doctor, dentist, or other providers near you.
HealthiestYou brings simplicity to healthcare. We understand how busy life gets, so we made care that helps you get back to it.
Your specific plan may not cover every service listed above. Contact our benefits manager to see which plan is right for you.
The information related to this benefit is subject to change without notice and may not be current.
Contact our Benefit Manager, Shane Cobb at (800) 733-4487 for details.
Director Positions Still Open!

Now that you're retired, do you have a little spare time on your hands? Were you actively involved with your labor organization while working? Would you like to get more involved with the Retired Peace Officers Association of California?
If you answered yes to any of these, you should consider becoming a Director with RPOAC! We currently have Director positions open for Orange County, Central Coast, North Valley, Tri-Counties and Oregon Chapters. Although it is preferred, you don't have to live in the Chapter to be the Director.
If you would like to apply for one of these positions or just want more information about the duties, please send an email to our Executive Director at rpoac1@yahoo.com.
Member Information Update
Have you moved? Changed phone numbers? New email address? All of these can be easily updated by clicking here: "Member Info Update"
Please take time to provide us with any changes to your contact information so that we can continue to provide you with current news and benefits information.

Get Your Access to the Members Only Areas!

Have you received your access to the "Members Only" section yet? If not, you need to contact our Executive Director immediately! Within this area you will be able to access issues of our quarterly newsletter, keep up to date on legislative actions that might affect your retirement benefits or pension in the "Briefing Board" and check out job offerings for retirees in our "Job Opportunities" page.
To access the "Members Only" area you must contact our Executive Director, Dennis Wright to receive your access password. Dennis can be contacted at (800) 743-7622 or by email at rpoac1@yahoo.com.
CCW Coverage Offered Through RPOAC
As retired peace officers many of us are authorized to carry a concealed weapon. But, have you given any thought to what your liabilities could be if you were to have to use that weapon in a self-defense incident? The legal costs alone could devastate your retirement nest egg not to mention the physical and emotional stress it would inflect on you and your family.
CCW Safe was founded by former police officers and attorneys who have all worked on local, and federal levels of law enforcement. CCW Safe is a legal service membership plan that was designed for CCW permit/license holders and retired law enforcement officers. CCW Safe was founded to offer similar coverages to what we received while serving our communities as active police officers.
Learn more about Carrying a Concealed Weapon coverage benefits.
Join the FOP

F.O.P. (The Fraternal Order of Police) is the world's largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 330,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges. They are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities. They are committed to improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those they serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation. No one knows the dangers and the difficulties faced by today's police officers better than another officer, and no one knows police officers better than the FOP.
RPOAC members must be members of FOP to be eligible for the benefits offered. Membership in FOP can be obtained through our online dues payment page by clicking on the "Pay Dues" link in the left column, then choose the "FOP Dues" button or by contacting our Executive Director, Dennis Wright at (800) 743-7622.